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G'Day/Howdy!! (I'm biligual now) 
What's up, howz ya life?  :)  Well since I've been so slack and haven't been updating my diary, I can't really legitimately claim that that is the purpose of this site, but it is!
What I wanted to do was use this as a kind of mass e-mail thing, without the e-mailing bit, ya know, but it was all a bit too hard!  You all just keep on e-mailing me and then I have to keep replying!  Geez, what is it with you people?!  (I'm just kidding!  Please, keep e-mailing me!!)
I'm gonna try a bit harder from now on, I promise.  If I don't well then I guess we're just gonna have to work out some form of punishment together... does that sound wrong to anyone else or is it just my dirty mind?  Aaaaaaaaaaaanyways... write me messages in my guestbook if you can't be stuffed e-mailing, but please just remember me!!!  I do reply to all of my e-mails even though sometimes it might take a few weeks. 
"If I said anything which implies that I think that we didn't do what we should have done, given the choices we faced at the time, I shouldn't have said that."
(Bill Clinton)
(Disclaimer: If I swear to much or say anything that offends anyone... TOUGH LUCK!  This is my site and I'll say what I want!  Who asked you to come here anyways??  :Þ)

Jade and I at Merdi Gras
Jade and I at Mardi Gras 2003 in New Orleans

What's New?

23/03/03 - Just wrote in a "quickie" on me diary page... procrastination... it's a great thing!  Better get back to work!  48 days and counting!! :)
12/03/03 - I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!  Dunno how long it'll last but hey, it's not like I'm getting paid for this! hehehe  Not long now til I'm home... can you believe it?  Yep, in 2 months you'll have to put up with me again for another 3 months.  Sorry guys!  Sign the guestbook dudes! Love ya all lots!  Mwa!

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